Monday, June 11, 2018

Sonic Pickle Slush

Well, I have tried the new Pickle Slush from Sonic.  I have also had the pickle juice snow cone from Bahama Buck's and a pickle juice snow cone from a vender in front of the Alamo in San Antonio.

First I had a pickle juice snow cone from Bahama Bucks.  It isn't overly sweet and it has a pickle after taste.  It is not exactly what I though it would be, but will try again.

The next was a Sonic Pickle Slush. It was too sweet and barely had a pickle after taste. Yuck!!

The last I have had was a pickle snow cone at the Alamo. I did not take a picture of that one. It was a true pickle juice snow cone that I had strawberry added to it and it was great.

The Sonic and the Bahama Bucks were too sweet and not in a good way.  It was sweet with a hint of pickle after taste.  I know that the sonic slush depends on the person that makes them because you can get the same slush flavor from the same Sonic location, and they don't always taste the same.  I will not be having another Sonic pickle slush, but I will give Bahama Bucks another chance and have strawberry added and see how that one is.

I had to pour the Sonic slush down the drain!

Pickle Rating:


Bahama Bucks


La Donna


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