Monday, May 28, 2018

"That Dip"

Do you know someone that makes that dip that everyone wants? It’s usually the first thing to go when it’s at a party and then all you can think and talk about for the following week! Well, I'm going to give you "that dip" recipe and you can and will be the hit of parties from now on.

That Dip in our family is called Terry’s Dip.  My brother Terry mades it and the whole family loves it.  It is so good and easy to make that you really don’t have to plan a party to have it. This is all it takes to make.  The recipe is at the bottom of this post. You can make it as spicy as you or your family will like.

The recipe calls for lime, but I ran out of limes and had lemons, so I used lemon and it was just as good. This summer I have planted some cilantro so that I will have it when I need it.

Samantha can not eat anything hot with Jalapenos, so I deseed 2 fresh jalapenos that I cut them into chunks and it is just right for Sam.  If your family like hot foods, then adjust the jalapenos to your family’s taste. I have not made it with pickled jalapenos yet, but I think I will some time in the future. For the cilantro I  just take it in both hands and twist off the leaves and put them in the food processor, then the mayo, sour cream, hidden valley mix along with the jalapenos and let it whirl. I then taste it and add a squeeze of lime (lemon) and whirl again.

If your family can leave it alone long enough, then it goes in a bowl. We like it best when it sets for awhile or over night, but sometimes it doesn’t make it that long.

The only real requirement is that you and your family like cilantro. If  y'all don't care for it I will be posting another dip soon that may be "that dip" for your family.

"That Dip" aka Terry's Dip

1 Cup Real Mayo
1 Cup Sour Cream
1 pkg Ranch Dressing Mix
1 Bunch Cilantro
3 Deseeded Jalapenos
2 Whole Jalapenos (with seeds)

Mix in a food processor with a squeeze of lime.

(I only us 2 total Jalapenos and they are deseeded total)


Pickle Rating:


La Donna

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